OneDrive Vs. Google Backup and Sync

October 07, 2021

OneDrive Vs. Google Backup and Sync

Cloud storage has become an indispensable tool for people who heavily rely on technology to work, communicate, and create content. And two of the most popular cloud storage solutions to emerge are OneDrive and Google Backup and Sync.

But which one is better for you? In this article, we'll compare the features and performance of both cloud solutions without any bias. Oh, and we'll also try to make this comparison as fun as possible, so sit back and enjoy the ride.

Features & Integration

Both OneDrive and Google Backup and Sync have pretty much the same basic features, like syncing files across devices, sharing files, and backup options. But there are some significant differences between the two services when it comes to integration with other programs and platforms.

OneDrive is more tightly integrated with Microsoft Office applications, which makes file syncing and collaboration smoother among users. It also has an app for Mac users which is practically a must-have for any software in the digital era.

On the other hand, Google Backup and Sync has the advantage of being integrated with the entire Google ecosystem, including Google Drive, Google Docs, and Google Photos. This makes it a more convenient solution if you're already using other Google products.

Winner: Draw

It's a tie for features and integration since both services have undoubtedly been designed well despite having some differences.

Storage and Pricing

OneDrive provides 5 GB free storage for its users, while Google Backup and Sync provides 15 GB free storage. If you need additional storage, you can upgrade to OneDrive's plans, which starts with $1.99 per month for 100 GB and goes up to a massive $9.99 per month for 6 TB!

Google Backup and Sync, on the other hand, has more flexible plans. You can upgrade to a 100 GB plan for $1.99, 200 GB for $2.99, and 2 TB for $9.99. As both cloud storage options have different affordability ranges, the pricing comparison would be on a case-to-case basis.

Winner: Google Backup and Sync

Google Backup and Sync is the winner when it comes to pricing and storage plans. The more, the merrier, right?


When it comes to performance, the time taken to upload and download files, and the amount of time it takes to sync large files should be considered.

OneDrive definitely has an edge when it comes to uploading and downloading large files, while Google Backup and Sync works better with a large number of small files.

Winner: Draw

It's another tie here. Both services stand in the same league in terms of performance.


Security is one of the essential factors to consider before trusting a cloud storage solution. Both OneDrive and Google Backup and Sync come with data protection and encryption features to keep your data safe.

Microsoft, the creator of OneDrive, has a better track record with security breaches and malware attacks, unlike Google Backup and Sync, which has had a few incidents. With that said, it's essential to follow proper security practices, like using two-factor authentication and end-to-end encryption when using either service.

Winner: OneDrive

OneDrive is ahead when it comes to security.


  1. How-secure-is-my-data-on-onedrive
  2. Google-Backup-and-Sync-Security-and-Privacy-Guide
  3. OneDrive vs Google Drive – Which Is the Best Cloud Storage Solution for 2021?

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